Monday, July 6, 2009

the comeback

It has been a while since I last wrote in this blog. And I feel quite weird as well since I do not really enjoy blogging because I do not find the passion and need to write whatever is in my mind. But then it looks like the scenario might change slowly as I may find myself enjoying writing in the virtual world whereby people around the globe will read whatever you write about. Alright enough of that, I'd like to share my experience on the last few weeks before I graduated as a degree holder. I never thought that the ending was so painful and bitter that you don't want to turn back the time to get stuck in the period of nightmare. For the first time in my life I had pushed myself to the limit; continuous days of sleepless nights and voiceless period, thesis that needs final corrections, a strategic business management report to be submitted plus the revisions for the upcoming exams. It was all due to the same day of dateline that was compulsory to meet, or face a series of catastrophic consequences. Finishing the strategic management report was the most daunting episode throughout my entire study in university. While we had to learn business management as our minor since first year, I thought it would be easy enough since it may not be equally hard as the major course I was taking; pure chemistry. Well, my perception was almost right until the very last semester, which I had to use all my knowledge from marketing to economics & finance to human resource management that I had learned since day 1 in university to complete a report of a Malaysian public listed company. Probably this may be a piece of cake for BBA students, but this could have been a minor thesis for me in the field of management. A report that covers almost everything from their business operations, restructuring, major developments and profits. To add burden to my work, I even had to make a comparison with several other successful companies to provide benchmark informations between them.
But editing for the final corrections in my real thesis was not such a big problem. It was more like a therapy for me doing what I'm more familiar with.
However, with help from God, I was able to finish every single tasks on time. Which I thought happened in the most miraculous way I'd never think could happen.
It's getting late here I gotta hit the sack.


  1. Dear. I know Thesis is hard. writing report, research paper etc is quite tough. But i know u can make it. which is U did! Im glad and proud of u naqib. u pass through all this!congrats!

  2. Thx Zue! yeah those days were really hard for me. but i'm sure u can do very well too and be on top of ur class.
