Tuesday, August 18, 2009

the power of chili padi

I had a burning sensation on both of my hands. I thought it was due to the splash of hot oil while I was cooking, but it lasted for hours, from noon till night. I figured out it was the extra hot chili padi seeds which accidentally landed on my hand. The feeling is as if a high concentrated acid spilled on your skin and slowly burning and ripping off your skin and exposing the flesh and eventually the bones. The pain was excruciating due to the long hours it lasted.


  1. just a belated little tip: rub the affected area with some cooking oil and then wash it off with soaps;)

  2. thanks for the tip. where did u learn that?

  3. just from my personal cooking experience;)

  4. naqib...u cook? very impressive..

  5. yes i do Zue..men can cook too u know
    p/s: i only cook simple stuff jer..huhu
