Sunday, September 13, 2009


up to this day I still wonder on the fact that I am actively blogging. Expressing myself while others read my piece if mind is never my cup of tea. I never kept diaries because they're just a piece of junk, so i dont wanna write my thoughts in junk item. Play war games instead if you're angry, eat chocolates when depressed and sleep when stress strikes.

ironically i've been posting lots of stuff since i learned abt this site.

mamak, teh tarik satu!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Part 1: Philosophy of Science

Observation is one of the common method used by scientists to come up with a theory. Further studies may strengthen or produce a new theory. When that theory is no longer arguable by any studies, a law confirms it.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


I have seen many contrary images flashing in front of my eyes. Many of these images are an eye opener for me. Little did I knew human behaves in many unique way and up till today, human behavior is a curiosity to me. I once took for granted what people believe and understand, assuming that I know the same attitude I see every single day applies everywhere. Let me narrow down my scope on Malaysia, as I had my most observations in my beloved homeland, and still observing. Malaysia is a country with diverse culture and heritage, which makes it an even more unique country than anywhere else in the world. I was lucky enough to be in a different environment at the age where teenagers are almost legal to do banned things while they were underage. While many of them learned to party and start clubbing, I learned how to appreciate a different world, understanding in depth of our cultures. I believe staying put where one begins his first step will not take him to the 1000th step. This is due to the fact that they are secluded in their own beds and pillows, and never push themselves beyond the the doors of their house. So what they'll see is whatever is on their lawn. Never to be bothered on what is happening on the other side of the green. I have been on the other side of the fence, and undeniably some of the grasses are greener, though some are experiencing drought.

The drought was a heat wave that shocked me. That is of course the law of nature, to which we must obey. I now understand how religious values are incorporated in our formal and informal daily issues, not that I've never had any knowledge of it before, but the beauty of knowledge is that it keeps expanding. I have never regretted walking through the greener grass nor the drying field, because both have bear me fruits and experiences, for which they will never rot in my mind but beautifully engraved in my soul.

So what are these subjects that have taught me lessons from the new book of life? Who still preserve the opulence of our cultures? Indeed, the people and the surrounding. The former taught me to see life in different perspectives, brought new light and uncover my truest potential. The latter carved a pathway and adequate ornaments that beautify the route. Thus, my journey was enlighten by the light of the former to help me move forward in the darkened pathway. The light, which signifies my family and friends, gave all the courage to me and them to grow stronger on every step we take.

I have made many friends throughout my journey, and you are one of my priceless friend. But words seem inadequate to describe how meaningful you are to have such a presence in my life. Flowers will not blossom and the world would never been a better place without guidance from the past, present and future.

an ode to my love

my love for family is eternal,
my love for relatives are infinity,
and my love for friends are forever

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

we do not live alone.....

....because we share this beautiful planet with everyone.There are times in our life that we can't afford to satisfy everyone's feelings. As all normal human would do is to try their best to bring happiness to everyone he knows. However, there are times we may slip...not on purpose. That would send an immediate rush on one's feeling of guilt and unhappiness.

This is life unfold.