Friday, November 5, 2010


I've tried to confess to someone through unspoken words. Of course, there was the adrenaline rush.
Rejuvenating in a long weekend is exciting. Being on the bed most of the time is trully relaxing. People say that we should never think about work during holiday, but does anyone never ever think about work when they're on holiday? As much fun as I have during holiday, but work keeps coming into my mind occassionally, but its easy to forget about it in just few minutes. I personally feel that watching too much tv would ruin the long weekend, instead, snoozing around under a blanket is a wonderful way of making yourself comfortable at home. Well, we dont get to take nap after lunch at the office, dont we, though we tend to doze off for a second or two due to the mamak curry we just ate during lunch.
There's also another reason why most of the time during long weekend should be spent at home, not at shopping malls or movie places, coz u get to go to the kitchen and make ureself a deliciously delicious sandwich or a cup of hot milo and then bring it back to ure room , if not in front of the tv enjoying shows u never knew existed until its already at their last episode. While if you're at the mall, the best part is u gotta meet ure frens and chatting the whole day as if there's no tomorrow, but you tend to be very tired once u reach home and might also have spent more than expected.
A lovely escapade to the refreshing hills would be great too!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Life is so ironic. Does Law of Attraction really implies to all humankind? Well if its a law, no one could challenge it. I believe its true, never ever have the thoughts that you would never want to see a particular thing/subject/item/whatever thing lah. It got me backfired.
Back in school, up to the very last day of university, or perhaps right after my graduation, I told myself I would never ever work with numbers again, I mean financial/accounting numbers. Numbers are okay as long as they are related to science or maths, but financial modeling stuff, a BIG no I want to put it as far as eye can see.

So, nak dijadikan cerita, here I am working as a Business Development Executive, whose work is to do market and trend analysis and number crunching. In layman terms, I'm dealing with financial modeling, balance sheet, income statement and even perhaps forecasting the profitability of a project through financial modeling. Its completely contradictory from what I've told myself before. To make things more interesting, I find financial stuff to be really interesting, you could question and defend every single thing based on facts and figures. Of course, there is always a twist. Since I'm working in a R&D company, sometimes there is a need to compromise on the technology wise to fit the budget and achieve the bottom-line. Given that I have a background in science, I would understand the predicament faced by scientists when trying to explain to the top management on the viability of having a particular technology to spearhead the research. So, sometimes there is a need to understand and accept scientists argument as they know best. On the other hand, what the management think about are only profit, yet they need things to be done fast. The complexity of my work makes every day interesting as we discover many new things and how are we moving in the fast paced world.

carving the future

I have been reading about how today's successful people became successful. It was nothing less than inspiring. These people have most things in common; they started with a hard life. So hard that if any of us hear or read their stories would think that they would never have a bright future.
JK Rowling, any Harry Potter fan would know her as a creative writer who magically spellbound the whole world with her enchanted story of witchcraft and wizardry series. But she didnt get where she is now through easy way. She survived under welfare and almost penniless, divorced and had to raise her child. But her determination paid so well that she is now among the richest woman in the world.
Indeed, stories like this make us think, how successful are we now and did we achieve it the right way? Should we go through those painful period to be successful? But what about those who were born with silver spoon fed in their mouth, could they be successful, too? I personally agree that no matter how depressing or embarrassing the time that we have to endure, there must be a reason. Maybe some of us would look back at our school/college/university days, we were embarrassed by the cool kids, speak with grammatical error all over the place, or even extremely under dressed when we see our friends with their gorgeous outfit and cutting edge mobile phone(s). And when we look now how much have we progressed throughout the years, we know that it is never easy to get where we are now. Let others say we could only afford to dream sky high, but if we put all our efforts in it, determination and most importantly our relationship to God, the sky is the limit, and let them see in the future how much we can prove to them and whose looking up to who.

Friday, March 19, 2010

i dont know if you know

This is a completely wrong emotional battle. Confusion and living in a situation where there are no asnwers lying in front of us is extremely disturbing.
I do realize I may look and sound the same treating you like i'm treating everyone else. But to me, you're different. Though I've tried something different, it hasnt been that obvious yet. But will it be? Because if its very obvious, the reactions might be unpredictable. So lets just see how things are going, because the real truth is impossible.

Monday, March 15, 2010

A Different Perspective

So this is what working life is all about. Interesting indeed, that is undeniable. This job I have now is far more interesting than what I expected. Who would have thought a chemist to perform an engine overhaul (which is a complete dismantling of engine). This is a completely different area which I myself never dreamed of doing, even if it means for general exposure as we go for divisional rotation in a multinational company.
Those projects I am handling now (at the point of writing this) is exciting, one that requires high level of thinking, business minded preferably. Its the bottom line that matters in the end. Of course, it requires me to know almost "everything under the sun". Deadlines are really tight, though we may seem to have the luxury of time.
A very good exposure I would say. Never crossed my mind that I would be learning varieties of knowledge of different industries in a short period of time, knowingly these are the industries that shape the country's economy. So there's the feeling of small contribution towards the country's progress.

Priceless experiences, friendly people - a sustainable working environment

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Becoming a Leader

Indeed it is debatable to believe leaders are made, not born.

Leadership may sound like a common word to others. Put someone as the CEO of a company or a President of a country, he/she is then perceived as the leader. The reality of our life today, or perhaps since the dawn of human being, a leader is someone who sits at the top, planning and directing orders to lower ranks officials to execute them. But what makes a leader, a leader?

Everyday in our life is a matter of endless learning. Thus, leader is not shaped in a day. Great leaders are made by their strong determination of learning new knowledge everyday, even if it means re-learning it. What we read yesterday may need today's learning to guide us to execute it, and what we execute today may need constant follow ups in the long run. Follow ups then requires skills, and what for skills are inadequate without a good stream of knowledge who knows how to handle issues in a synchronize orchestra. Hence, its a process of development.

Having all these in place may shape an influential leader. Someone may be the no. 1, but being the no. 1 for the sake of being looked upon to is pretty useless. As a leader, he/she requires the ability to influence others. Great leaders influence others to shape great leaders.

Perhaps this article needs a continuation

Saturday, February 13, 2010


To most citizens of the world who live in the comfort of their home with an added luxury of air conditioning, it is just a matter of pressing the right button to cool the room. The fact that sources of energy to generate electricity is becoming more scarce now is not a common thought to most men. With the price of electricity we pay now, we should all be thankful.

With our country blessed with an all year round summer, what could be the main obstacle of making solar energy highly commercialized. A country in Europe utilizes solar energy more than we do. In fact, they are at the forefront of solar technology. Being a four-season country themselves is already the main challenge for solar source. The answer lies in us. Does it ever cross our mind, as a noble citizen, to ponder for a while on the rate that we are paying for electricity in our country, as compared to other countries. Are we paying paying more than them or less? Should we be going into renewable energy, are we willing to pay more for each kw/h used? The depleting source of energy everywhere is worrying for those who are concern. Power plants are mainly running on coals and gases. The high demand and scarcity of coal itself has brought the market price to shoot up. In worst cases, coal-producing countries are not willing to sell to their importers just because the demand of coal in their own country could not be catered.